Adding drums on AUX to Basic Poly Patch

Hi! I would like to modify the “Basic Poly” patch but have a question:

  • If I change knob1 to have the functions of the AUX button (selecting waveform type) - by removing the tuning functionality, does this inherently mean the synth will be out of tune? I just want it to be A 440 permanently.

Annie Hart


you can set the tuning permanently directly on the oscillator in the patch, like this:


And the same goes for a phasor~, if that is what you are using.

Then you can use the knobs for something else if you like.

Also try right clicking the osc~ object and check the helpfile. It will shed some light on it :slight_smile:

Thank you so much! I am making such a mess, I really appreciate the fast response.

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in the main.pd window, look for this

This is where knob1 tunes the synth. It is scaled and translated to a signal f (which should have been more aptly named freq-scale or something). remove everything above the [sig~] (so knob1 is no longer connected to it), and change [sig~] to [sig~ 1]. also try [sig~ .5] for octave down or [sig~ 2] for octave up.

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Thanks, Owen! I was wondering about that. I’m also attempting to change the waveform selector from the AUX button to knob 2, and then having AUX control drums.wav playback with knob 1 controlling the drum volume (as in the “Beats and Pieces” patch).

I’m trying to find another patch that shows me how to change the knobs from a dial/sliding value selector to one that will simply select between options (in this case the “sine/square/saw/triangle” functions. I have looked through so many patches, do you know one that does this or what to write in order to achieve this?


[r knob1]
[* 4]
[i ]

so you take the knob you want which default is 0-1 then multiply the number of elements you want
then you convert it to an integer [i] then put a number on there to see what it does

the easier way is to go to IEMLIB in pd-extended and get “modulo_counter.pd_linux” and “” and open it and follow the directions then you can use a AUX button to step through the values


That worked so perfectly! Thank you for making that very straightforward. Now I’m going to try the same thing to turn knob 3 into an octave shifter. I really appreciate you taking the time to help so clearly.

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My pleasure happy coding