Help with Midi?

Hello, total midi noob here. I’d love help connecting a couple of synths together with my 201 so that everything plays all at once in sync. Not really interested in using the 201 as a midi controller though. I have things like the Anushri and the Eowaves Swarm

So far I’ve only been able to connect two synths together but as a midi controller. I just want them in sync.

So you want one controller connected to multiple synths (including the 201)? If any of the synths have a MIDI thru connector you can use that to connect them in a chain. The 201 doesn’t have a MIDI thru, so it would be last in the chain.

Yeah I want one synth to just control the tempo of all the other ones. I figured I could use midi out on the 201? All my synths have midi in/out. I think only my digi has thru.

Some have clock in/out so i guess ill have to buy a thing to convert that.