New EYESY Modes

We posted some new EYESY modes on Patch Storage:


brilliant! so glad to see the Eyesy is a going concern!

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New Mode: Randomizer - O±TR !

Randomly pick and load other modes. It’s a ‘super’ or ‘meta’ mode that passes randomized knob values and Trigger settings into the randomly chosen mode. It has the bonus of putting ‘trails’ on every mode! This mode is pretty automatic in that you don’t need to do much besides set the knobs and send audio to the EYESY.

IMPORTANT: This mode requires at least two other ‘regular’ modes to be in the ‘Python’ folder. A minimum of two regular modes are required because this mode will not call itself nor will it call the same mode twice in a row.

  • Knob1 - sets how frequently ‘knob’ values are randomized
  • Knob2 - sets how frequently the audio trigger* is set - useful for modes that use the audio_trig to resize, reposition, rotate, etc., elements
  • Knob3 - sets how frequently the a new mode is chosen
  • Knob4 - sets the opacity of the Trails
  • Knob5 - not used!


Looks promising! I guess I could send Knob3=127, immediatly followed by Knob3=0, to trigger a new mode manually, by push of a button on my midi pedal?

I started arranging scenes for our songs, so they will match with the songs (more or sometimes less), but this patch would allow to have something cool, for new songs, jams or whatever. AUTOMAGICALLY :slight_smile: