Orac : module developers guide

Just tried out making a submodule, its the chord generation logic from muchord.

I also made a couple variations of variations of other modules I found useful:
punchyl is punchy but the period is up to 64 steps, so you can get much slower changing notes (especially useful to control muchord or another punchy running at a faster rate)

arperopt and gennyopt are modified versions of arper and genny
They both maintain a sorted table of notes currently being held,
which was resorted every time a note changes. With muchord when a new 4 note chord is played it would do the sorting 4 times (and there are another four if the last chord is turned off at the same time) which can cause audio dropouts. These versions wait 5ms after the notes are stable so the sorting will only happen once.

I did have some issues using create_install_package.sh though, when I ran it I got the error message:
mv: failed to preserve ownership for ‘U-muchord//manifest.txt’: Operation not permitted
And the zop wasnt created.
I think because it tries to ‘mv’ the files between the usb drive and the organelle filesystem.
I just manually zipped it into the zop so there is no integrity checking on these but they are quite small.
If anyone want to try them out you can grab them here:

Just put them into the folder you have orac in and select install.