SuperCollider On Organelle

Ok, Its very nearly ready… Im working on mother.scd (mother.pd equiv.) as we speak…

currently, my test polyphonic synth is working… with full organelle functionality :slight_smile:

Actually I quite like SC, as you’ll see below in my example, is really compact for coding things up.

things still left to do for mother.scd

  • aux key

  • encoder handling

  • expression pedal

  • volume knob, this will patches using an audio bus, rather than using bus 0 (similar to throw~ in PD)

  • vumeter display

  • midi
    possibly, similar default CC/note I/O like PD, not decided, as i dont really use this, and it can be patches

Im not planning on initially on multiple page menu, user patches can do that… so think of its a mother.pd (v1).

Im pretty new to SC, so if there are some SC gurus out there that want to help on developing the mother.scd please shout… there are some interesting ‘technical issues’ :slight_smile:

anyway, unfortunately other things to do today… so will be a few days before release , but its getting there !

Ok, so on to the test synth … and what it looks like…

code breakdown of main.scd

all in one file, called main.scd, in the Patches directory… like PD.


notice here how I send messages to the OLED.

~voices =;
~cutoff = 5000.0;
~oled.screen(5,"Test Patch Loaded");
~oled.screen(1,format("Cutoff % Hz",~cutoff.asInteger));

knob handling

create a callback function for handling the knobs, and then register it for callbacks (addDependent).
you can see I also take the opportunity to update the display… and any playing voices.

~knobfunc = {
    arg func, msg, knob, value;
    if(knob==0, {
        ~cutoff = value.linexp(0,1,50,20000);
        ~oled.screen(1,format("Cutoff % Hz",~cutoff.asInteger));{  arg  v;  v.set(\cutoff,~cutoff);  }

key handling

create a callback function for handling the keys, and then register it for callbacks (addDependent).
simply here, I create a voice if necessary for the key, and turn it off on note-off

~keyfunc = {
    arg func, msg, key, vel;
    if(vel>0 , {
        ~voices[key] =\testSynth,[
            \freq, (key+59).midicps,
            \cutoff, ~cutoff,
    } , {
        ~voices[key] = nil;

a synth to play :slight_smile:

and then a simply synth that has a low pass filter, so I can demonstrate the knobs (via cutoff)

        arg freq=440,gate=1,cutoff=440;
        var sig,env,amp=0.3;
        sig =;
        env =,gate,doneAction:2);
        sig = sig * env * amp;
        sig =,cutoff.clip(10,24000));,sig!2);