Hi @dom thanks! Do you have the Organelle 1 or M ? i found out there was an issue with the 1 that i’ll try to fix in the next update, if you have the M i’ll ask for a bit more infos to debug
I have the M…
we’ll figure it out…
by reading your issue with Orac i think it could be related, but i don’t know yet.
did you eventually rename or modify the /data folder in/sdcard…? (it’s the folder used for Orac presets and Capture files)
when you try to capture do you see the little + in the bottom right of the screen ?
I cannot see the little +
My organelle is pretty new and i did nothing but loading a couple of user patches and play around with it. I installed start VCN but I would be surprised if this had an effect on ORAC since its a patch from technobear.
Where would i find this folder?
i have StartVNC too, it doesn’t affect it.
the /data folder should be right next to the /Patches folder, both are in /sdcard, so it should show up first when browsing the Organelle via wifi.
i guess you know but Capture doesn’t work the same with Orac (there’s a dedicated module for capturing in it)
can you launch “captures” in the Capture menu ? it should load a patch that you could check too, you should be able to record and playback with it.
otherwize i will send you my last version to try, but if it still doesn’t work i think it might be something corrupted in your system, i would then recommend a backup + fresh install (simplest way to solve i think)
I think a fresh install is really the next step to tryout. I don’t see that data folder in /sd card. In fact I can’t a data folder anywhere. wonder where it got lost though. maybe I was not careful at one point.
Thanks a lot for your help!
the /media folder is also missing there, maybe just try to re-download + re-install Orac 2.0 first, it should create these folders (Capture 2.4 installer should do it also, so i don’t see a reason it’s not there but who knows…), anyway i’m glad you found the problem
Edit : do you run the .zop installer from the /Patches folder…? it can look like you tried to install both manually
I didn’t run the zom installer :-/ I just renamed everything to a zip file. this is quite embarassing and naive… Sorry to bother you with this. And thanks again! It works now.
no problem, i’m glad you made it to work
This looks awesome, thanks!! I am having the same issue as @dom after following the instructions, though on the Organelle 1. Looking forward to the update!
hi @erlenbusch thanks! I’ve just updated to 2.5 for compatibility with the Organelle 1 and USB drives : https://patchstorage.com/capture
If you have 2.4 installed you can connect the Organelle to internet via wifi and should be able to download the update from the Capture Extra menu.
edit : it looks like there’s an issue, Capture is desactivated after launching the “Captures” patch from the extra menu (need to desactivate and activate again), i don’t understand why it happens, i’m working on another update to simplify everything…
hi i’m happy but also sorry to announce the 2.6 update, because after a long time thinking about it, i had to decide now to exclusively use the fs pedal input instead of the enc+aux combination to start/stop recording because i can’t avoid issues otherwize…
also and unfortunately, there are two types of footswitches and i have a latch-type one, so Capture is made for that.
If you don’t have one i can only recommend spending a few coins on the JHS Red Remote which is perfect like if it was made for this :
here’s the link with a full changelog : https://patchstorage.com/capture/
EDIT : updated to 2.7 with a bugfix, the Captures patch wasn’t receiving the line input anymore.
Please follow first-install instructions (do not rename the .zop to .zip), you can then download updates from the Organelle extra menu (via wifi + internet).
2.8 update : new file-name system (Captures patch removed also)
no more folder_list.pd_linux , the capture number is stored in /System/captures.txt , captures are now named from 00001.wav to 99999.wav (and more) and we can now rename/move/delete them without issues.
I’ve looked into the VU-meter issue with Capture and the Organelle OS 4.0.
I used some of @thetechnobear’s code from his fix of the Orac Mother. (Thank you!)
It looks like it works fine on my Organelle M, it’s great to have the VU meters back.
Here is the fixed mother file. Replace your existing one in /sdcard/System/Capture/Activation/ :
mother.pd (40.9 KB)
Also, now that I have the capture VU meters working, I realized that the recordings are pre volume knob (which is good), but that often were very close to 0dB or even peaking. I’ve been thinking about deactivating the compressor, as I prefer to have the option to adjust the dynamics in a DAW.
So I duplicated the Activation folder, removed the compressor in mother.pd, and edited the script… I now have 2 options for activating Capture, the regular one, and a clean one without the compressor.
If you’d like to try that, unzip this folder in /sdcard/System/Capture :
Activation_no_comp.zip (10.5 KB)
I can’t find how capture module works on orac, where should i place it to record the main output ? Is it possible to record only one rack ?
It depends how you’re running ORAC.
I’m using parallel 3 in S1 (C#) and Mukticycle S2 (D#)
P1 (C#2) and P2 (D#2) are post mix channels. So I put my capture on P2 and P1 is free if I want a global reverb/delay/eq.
Then use mylticycle to control 3 channels A (c d e) B (f g a b) C (c2 d2 e2) and everything will record into 1 channel =P2.
Then when you’re ready just arm the capture by pushing the aux button in its patchs channel (P2).
Don’t think there’s a way to record all channels individually without overloading cpu by having 1 capture in each channel (A B C).
What’s also fun is running an audio line into the organelle (and selecting its input destination to channel A B or C ( I keep it to channel C and have d2 and e2 be effects for that audio signal). Being able to record that simultaneously is pretty great.
Ok, I just realize that it was working fine since the beginning, (founding many very short samples in the capture folder ). In fact, I just have no vu meter on the screen so I assumed that capture wasn’t recording, or just doesn’t receive any audio.
Now, is there a equivalent to mother.pd file to replace in system/capture to fix vu meter problems but for the orac module ?
Then, when I try to record the input (overloop), since I have to adjust the input volume on Parallel and then on the patch its own input volume, the audio output phase and stack making monitoring a bit painful for my ear, and above all, it sounds so bad.
Am I processing the signal fine ?
Thanks for your fast and useful reply !
There was a fix for 4.0 update.
techno bear posted regarding the vu issue. Put vu in search bar and I’m sure it will turn up. You need to replace a file which puts the vu back of I recall
Happy to to help
I was writing when you replied so you may have not seen this.