Capture : record/resample stereo audio from almost any patch

Yep, look at my message just a few posts up, you’ll find 2 versions of capture with the fixed meters. :wink:

[EDIT] These are to fix the meters of Capture with the regular Organelle patches, but if you are looking at fixing the meters in Orac (same fix basically, but at different places…) you should look here. :+1:

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Hi! I was able to get the regular capture to work but only after I manually placed the mother file into the System folder but I can’t get it to activate from the extra menu. My guess is it has something to do with the shell file but I’m not experienced enough to actually figure out what the problem is. The deactivate function does work however. Has anyone else had this problem?

I had a lot of trouble gettin this to work. Maybe its just me and my autistic ratio to perfect folder structures, but here are my experiences.

I had two problems. The first one was that I always needed to install Capture two times, to get it to work. That leads to a messed up Extra-Menu in the organelle, because the first version wont get deleted with the second installation, and deleting the old files damaged somehow the new installation. :roll_eyes: A total mess for me…and my… obsession with order…

Second Problem was that I didn’t know that the Capture-Patch was removed within the last Update, neither the recording functionality. But I’m still a bit confused if I understood that right…?

However. I then had the idea to create the necessary folders (‘data’, ‘media’ and ‘System’) manually BEFORE the installation of Capture.

I then installed 2.7, which still has the Capture Patch. :wink:

What I still haven’t solved: the VU meters don’t work. I tried to replace it with the mother-patch from @clemi, but that leads in a not working patch.

(I already had opened a new thread for that, but then thought it could be confusing, so I asked to delete it, and posted the summary here)

Maybe it solves your problem @T8R?

Peace out! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I am really sorry that people have issues and get frustrated with this Capture mod getting obsolete…

Unfortunately, i dont have the Organelle anymore and i don’t have any way to keep working with Pure Data so i can’t help… :frowning:

But it is open-source, so i hope someone will take care of it. I can’t do more than hoping for you that these issues will be fixed soon…! :v:


That did solve my problem! Thank you very much! Still haven’t gotten the VU meters to work but hey, we made some progress!