Convention for including patch instructions?

unfortunately its not just the number of lines its also the width, its difficult enough getting parameters and values on it, let alone sentences :wink: i think you’d pretty much be limited to having one parameter very short description per page, which would be pretty tedious.

yeah, thats the issue even if we formalised a format for tags, categories, descriptions etc - it would only really work if all patch developers comply - and there are quite a few Organelle patches don’t comply with current ‘conventions’ - so thats far from guaranteed.

but thats cool, a strength of the organelle, - they are a bit ‘wild west’, a bit experimental/out there :slight_smile:

I think the issues is often , when you get the organelle, it’s really tempting to load every patch you can find on patchstorage which becomes overwhelming - they all have their own quirks - so, it feels disorganised, lacking conventions, cohesiveness - hence the annoyance of lack of “instructions”

for me, I found the best approach was to go get rid of everything, and just add what i really needed.
(ok, i also have all the C&G patches installed - as my basic set, in case i just want to experiment)

of course, doesn’t help the install exploration to decide which patches are ‘for you’, thats where the wiki comes in, apart from that, Id just start slowly one patch at a time.
(oh, and im pretty brutal - if a patch has bugs, or a UI I don’t understand/enjoy - i just move on, unless its really special)

(note: none of the above is a criticism of any particular patch, I fully acknowledge some of the above criticism / observation is true of my patches :slight_smile: )

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