GEM on Organelle

i love Gem been using it since 1997

this is not released yet

pdp and pidip are essential on linux

Me using GEM and a modular live


Oh I didnt mean on the Organelle, would just be nice to have a projector to be able to have all kind of stuff on :slight_smile:

No I am not optimistic about the vga converters either, as I have also read that some other Organelle users had the same issue with them.

I am interested in Gem for sure, but probably not so much in the organelle. much rather have it on my macbook… And as I posted to start with, the Deken version doesnt even work on my Macbook, so stuck on the Gem side. And about Gem and pdp:

The download from Deken is called “Gem2pdp” and it is power pc it seems… so I am thinking it might all ready have both Gem and PDP?.. But doesnt work…argh,

Gem2pdp is only a bridge for PDP

You have to build PDP/pidip from source on LINUX for the benefits
If you are on a MAC you can send me a message and i’ll tell you a super fancy secret regarding GEM/PDP/PIDIP


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Here is an example of PDP doing it’s best Brakhage impersonation. I used pdp/pidip from 2003 to 2007 when we opened for MeatBeatManifesto on tour.

