Mode T - Font Patterns (stock mode) Crash


after some tweaking, the mode in the object crashes and send me a message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 195, in
File"sdcard/Modes/Python/T - Font Patterns//.py", line 29, in draw
text = font.render(unistr, True, (color))
error: Text has zero width

How can I solve it?

It is possible to download this stock mode again in case I made some mistake? (even if I didn’t change anything here)



I copied the error during the performance from the editor view:

File “/sdcard/Modes/Python/T - Font Patterns//”, line 29, in draw
text = font.render(unistr, True, (color))
error: Text has zero width

this is the code reloaded:
import os
import pygame
import time
import random

count = 0
trigger = False
unistr = unichr(random.randint(0x25a0, 0x25ff))
textpos = (0,0)

def setup(screen, etc):

def draw(screen, etc):
global count, trigger, unistr, textpos
xr = etc.xres
yr = etc.yres
x320 = ((320xr)/1280)
x160 = ((160
x260 = ((260xr)/1280)
x80 = ((80
y90 = ((90yr)/720)
y45 = ((45
shift = int(etc.knob1*x320-x160)
size = int(etc.knob2 * x260) + 5
font = pygame.font.Font(etc.mode_root + “/font.ttf”, size)
color = etc.color_picker(etc.knob4)
text = font.render(unistr, True, (color))
y = 0

if etc.audio_trig or etc.midi_note_new :
    trigger = True
if trigger == True :
    unistr = get_unicode_character(int(etc.knob3 * 10)+1)

for i in range(0,81) :
    odd = i%2
    if odd == 0 :
        x = ((i % 9) * x160 + x80 + shift) - x160
        y = (int(i / 9) % 9) * y90 + y45 #+ (shift-70)
    if odd == 1 :
        x = ((i % 9) * x160 + x80) - x160
        y = (int(i / 9) % 9) * y90 + y45
    textpos = text.get_rect(center = (x,y))
    screen.blit(text, textpos)
trigger = False

def get_unicode_character(set) :

if set == 0 :
    # all of them (or a lot of them...)
    return unichr(random.choice((0x0000, 0xFF00)) + random.randint(0, 0xff))
if set == 1 :
    # ogham
    return unichr(random.randint(0x1680, 0x169C))
if set == 2 :
    # arrows
    return unichr(random.randint(0x2190, 0x21FF))
if set == 3 :
    # math
    return unichr(random.randint(0x2200, 0x22ff))
if set == 4 :
    # geometric shapes
    return unichr(random.randint(0x25a0, 0x25ff))
if set == 5 :
    # box drawing
    return unichr(random.randint(0x2500, 0x257f))
if set == 6 :
    # Brail
    return unichr(random.randint(0x2800, 0x28FF))
if set == 7 :
    # More math
    return unichr(random.randint(0x2A00, 0x2ADF))
if set == 8 :
    # from math -- sharp symbols
    return unichr(random.randint(0x2A80, 0x2ABC))

if set == 9 :
    # more arrows
    return unichr(random.randint(0x2900, 0x297F))

if set == 10 :
    return unichr(random.randint(0xE010, 0xE04F))
if set == 11 :
    #Genji-mon Symbols
    return unichr(random.randint(0xF500, 0xF535))

I think this is discussed and solved here: Bug in one of EYESY's factory modes - Text has zero width, although maybe for a different stock mode.


1 Like

Dear John,

thank you very much for your kind reply. I solved downloading the update file via Bug in one of EYESY's factory modes - Text has zero width - #20 by chrisk

