Pitch 127 - Persist Toggle

it is a very nice idea to be able to remote control the persist toggle switch since it gives another possibility for pre-programming an Eyesy performance. But the solution to do this with pitch 127 seems to be odd since many sequencers do not produce note values that high. For instance I can use this when controlling Eyesy from Ableton. But neither the Oxi One nor the Akai Force can send pitch 127 which corresponds to a G8 (I believe).
Do I miss something? Is there a different possibility to remote control persist toggle?
Thank´s and greetings.

Edit: at least on the Force a pitch 127 can be generated via the list editor. Have not found a pissibility for the Oxi One yet.

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I found this odd as well (even without beeing aware that some sequencers or tools are not at able to send this pitch). A CC would be way better, you could explictly send value 127 to enable, and 0 to disable (and everything in between to toggle ;).

If I send note 127, I’m not sure if it will enable or disable, as it will always just toggle.

I guess it would be not so difficult to hack this into the EYESY firmware?

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One possible way to deal with this -as far as I can imagine - could be to save scenes in two versions, with and without persist toggle and then switch between them with program change.

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