Select button is not pressed

Suddenly the select button is not pressed. It doesn’t even click. I’ve never dropped it, but suddenly the button doesn’t press, which is very disconcerting. Does anyone have the same symptoms as me?

Do you mean the select encoder or the aux button? What functionality specifically is not working

The video lacks permissions to view it. Please contact us directly:

Hello. A few days ago, I inquired about a broken select button.(I can’t seem to delete the last post, so I left it as it is.)

So sorry. my mistake. I have granted permission.
[IMG_4687.MOV - Google Drive]

The select button is not pressed. It doesn’t even click. I’ve never dropped it, but suddenly the button doesn’t press, which is very disconcerting.

Thank you for the video. It appears the encoder should be replaced. Please contact us here:

Can i send you a mail?(I don’t know your email address) Or is there a separate site where you can buy encoders?