VNC Organelle M - OS 4.0 - screen resolution

I’ve just acquired a new Organelle M.

I want to work on patches (well - look at them at least…) using vnc. I’m using Real VNC (free edition) from my Macbook Air running Big Sur.

I can connect fine. Only problem is that the Organelle is configured run its vncserver at a pretty high resolution - well, at least higher than what looks good on my macbook air.

I have read the post from @thetechnobear when head manually installed a vncserver on the Organelle. But with the latest OS, the tips regarding changing resolution does not seem to apply.

I’ve played around with the cvt and xrandr --addmode command, but with no luck. I have also been taking a look at the .vnc folders config-files…but I’m not really sure what to change.

So before I break the vnc-configuration completely - have anybody had any succes with changing the resolution on the latest OS?

kind regards


Just tried TigerVNC viewer, because it can apparently set resolution from the client. But TigerVNC does not work with realvnc viewer. At least not the one on the organelle (raspberry pi version).

Am trying to edit this file /etc/X11/vncserver-virtual.conf, where there might be a possibility to add an extra line to the “Monitor”-section. I’ll report later if it works…


I use VNC viewer from chrome and it works pretty good with an OG in both windows and macos.
I had the same issue as you did but VNC viewer has a cool feature that allows you to just see just a part of the organelle desktop. that’s gives a good size for patching / reading patches.

Yes, instead of scaling I can choose to view the full screen with scrollbars. That is definitely a usable workaround for now.

There is a text file you can edit to set vnc resolution.

I dont have my Organelle with me for christmas, but if you dont find it before I can check when I get back home.

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Okay - just found the solution, which was really simple :slight_smile:

In this folder:


There is a script called

The last line:

…is where the vnc-server command is called with the wanted screen-resolution.

Before editing the file, I ran to make sure I could edit the file.

If you switch between display-types, this might not be the best solution.

To sum it up:

  1. Connect to your Organelle whichever way you like (with a display or through vnc)
  2. Open a terminal
  3. Navigate to scripts-folder: “cd scripts”
  4. “sudo ./”
  5. “sudo vim”
  6. “i” to enter insert mode
  7. Move down to the last line, and update the resolution
  8. “esc” then “:wq” to save and close the file.
  9. “sudo ./”
  10. Restart the vnc-server, and reconnect.
