Recommended VNC Clients?


I recently bought an Organelle 1. So far I love it, but I’m trying to get VNC to work, and having a heck of a time finding a VNC client on either Mac or Windows that will actually connect to the Organelle. The demo video on the Critter & Guitar Youtube Channel uses a Chrome plug-in which is no longer available. I’ve tried both the Screen Sharing app and the Remote Ripple client on the Mac and TightVNC Viewer on Windows, and neither seems to even have the option of entering a username (only a password) and therefore neither will connect. I tried TigerVNC on Mac, which does allow me to specify both a username and a password, but that spits out a cryptic message:

Authentication failure: No valid VeNCrypt sub-type

In short, nothing seems to work. So my question is: what are you all using? Or are people just not using the VNC functionality?

I was using realVNC with success, but it was a while ago, I haven’t tried the latest versions.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to try it out because RealVNC costs money now. :frowning:

I use the Screen Sharing app on Mac to connect to the Organelle 1 (OS 4.0) via VNC. I join an existing network and start VNC on Organelle 1. Then I launch Screen Sharing, locate the Organelle there and enter password (coolmusic).


Seems not to be working with the current version of MacOS as the Screen Sharing app quits the connection due to incompatibility with the VNC server.

Which version do you use?

Mac is running:

  • OS 15.1.1
  • Screen Sharing Version 5.1 (713)

I am able to connect to:

  • Organelle 1 - OS 4.0

OK. So after some tinkering I was actually able to get it to work with Mac Screen Sharing app! Weirdly, the problem I was facing was that the VNC server was actually misconfigured on my Organelle 1. I logged into the Organelle via SSH (u: root / p: organelle). I did ps ax | grep vnc to see what command was run to launch vncserver. I saw this:

527 tty1     S+     0:00 /usr/bin/Xvnc :1 -auth /var/tmp/.Xauthority_root -desktop organelle:1 (root) -fp /usr/share/fonts/misc -geometry 1920x1080 -httpd /usr/share/vnc/classes -pn -rfbauth /tmp/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5901 -rfbwait 30000

I notice that that command references a /tmp/.vnc/passwd file, but no such file existed on my Organelle. Apparently, you can create one by hand by doing this:

vncpasswd /tmp/.vnc/passwd
Password: coolmusic
Verify: coolmusic
Would you like to enter a view-only password (y/n)? n

After creating this new passwd file, I killed the vnc server that was still running by doing this:

kill 527

(527 was the process id of the vnc server from the ps ax command above.)

Then, I relaunched the vnc server using the Organelle’s Settings -> WIFI Settings -> Start VNC Server command.

I tried once again to connect to the Organelle using the Mac Screen Sharing app (Host: organelle:5901) and it worked perfectly.

Now, I’m sure this isn’t a permanent solution, as I suspect that the tmp directory gets wiped clean on reboot, but it’s definitely progress!

Thanks @chrisk for giving me a hint that it was actually possible with the macOS Screen Sharing app.

Thanks for sharing those steps. The script at /root/fw_dir/scripts/ is responsible for starting the VNC server, so you might be able to add these steps there for a more permanent solution.

How do you get it to work?
I have an Organelle S, OS 4.1, but Screen Sharing on Mac doesn’t see it.
To which address should I manually connect?

I’m unsure of the reason why, but Screen Sharing app on Mac does not work to connect to the Organelle M / S.

However, VNC Viewer from Real VNC does work for the Organelle M / S:
host/address : organellem.local:5901
name : music
password : music

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Real VNC works fine, but I’d really like to investigate this Screen Sharing problem.

One question: I’d like to log into the Organelle S via SSH @ root, but the “organelle” password is not working, as for the Organelle 1.

What’s the right one?

for ssh into Organelle M / S:
user: music@organellem.local
pass: music

Thanks! Is logging with @music the same as logging with roots, in terms of permissions?