[VIDEO] FM Radio + Organelle = Madness?

Thought it’d be fun to run an FM radio (tuned to NPR) through the Organelle. Multiple different patches were used.


Thanks for making this, great to hear so many effect possibilities!


After seeing this video, I couldn’t help thinking since Organelle has got a wifi connection, if it would be possible to play radio from web based radiostations directly on the Organelle?

Would be super awesome with a “radio player object”? and be able to do something like this without having to use a real radio :slight_smile:

There used to be an icecast~/shoutcast external for pure data

I’ve managed to play internet radio on the Organelle using the mpg123 command, but this was not through Pd. It would be really fun to be able to tune in stations from a patch, so many awesome possibilities there.

@shreeswifty did those objects allow you to receive stations, or are they for broadcast only?

The other thing I was looking for was a database of internet radio stations, I was trying to find an open list… I wonder what they used for this thing:

Imagine if it was possible to stream these stations directly to the organelles ~input as some kind of global function or radio browser on a main menu or something. You could live sample into a slicer patch and make lebanese radio remixes! Just one of the many ways having two patches running simultaneously would RULE.

Yeah, exactly, it would be super fun to play with. To be able to change station from with in pd. Ah, one can only dream :slight_smile:

Yes, also about the same thoughts I had here :slight_smile:

I had a quick look at this yesterday, I think you want mp3amp~ for playback.
Not had a chance to try to compile it yet.

Hi “onceaponasynth”, do you remind which samplers you were using for doing this ?
Ii would be more fun to do it with some piezo microphones, what i’ll try to do.

Let me know if you remind something.

And thank you so much for this idea !!!