201 Pocket Piano audio input

This is what I found too. There must be another process that adjusts the alsa config after Pd has already launched. I also wonder if adding the command

alsactl store

would store the settings so next boot it would just work. I’ll have to give it a try tomorrow. fwiw here is the patch I was using to test the audio input. It is a vocoder adapted from the Organelle patch.
1-Vocoder.zip (51.5 KB)


Triggering that command 500 ms after [amixer sset ‘Line’ cap] did the trick! Now the adc remains active even after powering down the 201. I played around with the vocoder patch a bit too, lots of fun! Thanks @oweno !

Next up: porting over K-Loop and getting the kaleidoloop I could never afford :grin: