Crocodile Drummy drum machine

Code is a complete mess, at first i wanted to keep it clean but the project kept growing in unexpected directions, by the end i was just patching to the existing code until i got what i wanted, there’s no consistence as i was experimenting with multiple ways to do things.

Overall happy with my first patching experience :slight_smile: It took much more time than i anticipated but i feel like i now have a much better grip on the graphical programming language.

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any bugs to report ? i’ll take 'em !

from my end i couldn’t find anything very breaking yet, but i’m sure there are some hiding somewhere.

Mmh… sounds good on paper but sadly it won’t work on my Organelle OG ;( It just freezes the whole machine. Some more recent patches makes use of multiprocessor of the “recent” Organelle M & S and I strongly suggest to add a new category for within Patchstorage, like “MultiCPU”?
Could you please post a video, so I can at least listen to it?

i’ve been working extra these days, but as soon as i can i will make a video of it, and if anyone has pointers on what may cause cpu spikes ? (i think it’s the animations)

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This is really fun, thanks! Great for getting drum ideas down quickly and being able to manipulate everything so much is super fun. I do keep pressing C# and adding drum hits by accident whilst trying to navigate the channels but I guess that’s just something to get used to. It’d be handy to see what BPM it is set to.

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I just want to drop in and say that I really like this patch, it is very easy to pick up and get into. Nicely done! :+1:

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