Desktop Mother Patch

We just finished up a desktop version of the mother patch. This allows you to run Organelle patches on a laptop/desktop. You can simulate knob input with sliders and play 2 octaves of notes on the computer keyboard. To use this patch simply open it in Pd, and then open the Organelle patch you wish to play.

Some patches (such as ‘Analog Style’) will not run on vanilla Pd because they depend on externals not part of vanilla. (these externals are in the folder with the rest of the patches but are compiled for ARM/Linux). We were, however, able to run it by opening everything in Pd-extended.

You can get the patch here:

or here

mother-desktop.pd (22.2 KB)


Very cool! This will make it a lot easier to edit patches on a PC for use with organelle.

Thanks a lot for this mother patch !

I have a little issue though. When I want to use “Nori Grains” I get several “inlet: expected ‘float’ but got ‘bang’” errors and I can’t do anything. Do you have a fix for that by any chance please?

Those warnings are expected, and shouldn’t be causing a problem. They probably happen when you press the ‘Hit this after opening patch…’, right? With the Nori Grains patch, sometimes the sound fades in really slowly which might be why you don’t hear anything initially. Also if you press the ‘1’ key, it will send an Aux button signal to the patch will start recording a new sample. If there is silence or if the audio input is not configured, this will also silence the patch. To test audio input in Pd you can choose ‘Test Audio and MIDI’ in the Media menu.

Darn it, I feel stupid now…

I had audio correctly configured and I used the aux button but nothing came out… I guess I should have tried more before posting here.

Anyway, thanks for your reply!

I’ve been using this, it’s super helpful. The workflow I’ve found is to develop patches inside Pd-Extended using this Mother Patch. I try to use only vanilla objects but I’m not 100% percent what’s vanilla and what’s not (I’m coming from Max/MSP).

Once I have the patch working, I open it up in Pd-Vanilla and check for errors creating objects. For each object that throws an error, I copy the individual compiled externals from here: Pd Extended Objects for Organelle into the same directory as the patch. Pd-Vanilla on my Mac still throws an error because (I think) those externals are compiled for Arm, but when I open on the organelle everything works.

I’m super happy with having this little dedicated box for Pd. I think the “remote” workflow could use some streamlining. For beginner users just entering into the Pd world, I’d definitely recommend developing right on the organelle using an external monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Super great start though! I’m very inspired by this little machine.


hey, thanks for sharing this and making the programming workflow with the extended objects clear to me.
i believe you also posted something about organelle on the muffwiggler forum today that i found quite intriguing.
it’d be fantastic if you could share a patch or two that you came up with so far. highly interested in the “one patch per song” approach that you hinted at in that post.

Sorry if this has been asked but I haven’t found an answer so far… @oweno @chrisk

Is there a way to measure a patch we are creating (or modifying) to see how much cpu it eats? Are there certain pd objects or dsp processes that are more computationally expensive?

Just curious

You will have to run the patch on the Organelle to know for sure. There is a load meter in Pd in the Media menu so you can see what kind of objects use more CPU.

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cant wait for mine to arrive so i have a better grasp of it all


desktop patch is very helpful, what a great resource! thank you for supplying it.

a quick q: scanning through the text code lines, but it’s hard to find where the default volume gets set to 0. i’d ideally like to modify the mother patch to start at full volume – is this something that’d be better modified on the individual main patch or rooted in the mother?

You can add a message to the message box on the left of the desktop mother patch so it looks like this :
pd dsp 1;
vol 1

as the main volume slider receive symbol is “vol”, this slider will receive the value “1” on startup.
You can also right-click the slider, select “properties”, check “initialize”, set the slider to 1 and save the patch.


Ive had my organelle for quite some time now and am now just starting to play with pd but upon opening the mother patch and an organelle patch everything works fine except for the keyboard triggering notes. Am I missing something here? If I click the screen notes will trigger/latch but I get nothing from my keyboard. Can anyone help me out with this?

My keyboard doesn’t work either. I get occasional note ‘off’ response but nothing else. I’ve disabled keyboard repeat as well, no dice. I’ve crawled through the forums on this and it doesn’t look like there’s an updated mother patch for OS2+ patches either.

It was nice to test drive a few of the older patches before purchasing, but is the desktop mother essentially abandoned now?

Is the recommended patch creation workflow (with testing ability!) to leave the normal desktop environment and use the organelle + monitor, keyboard, and mouse?

Would be a bummer if that is the case as I don’t have access to a monitor or keyboard/mouse for my organelle at the moment. Just a laptop.

The computer keyboard is not toggling notes?

The desktop mother patch has not been updated for new OS versions, but it should still work for basic patches. Some of the newer OS features like using the encoder on the Organelle to change pages will not work with the mother desktop patch…

We like developing patches on the Organelle itself (with monitor and mouse) as the best workflow for creating and debugging patches, and it is more fun / creative too.

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Correct, the computer keyboard. Totally get that it’s best to create with the real instrument interfacing. For me it’s a matter of keeping open other tabs for reference / learning!

Either way I’m blown away by the organelle and this community!

I had a go at making a desktop mother that does 2+ encoder stuff. (8.4 KB)
It doesn’t work exactly like on the organelle (you cant actually scroll through the menus ) , but there are buttons to switch pages that seem to work for multipage patches.
You need to make sure the patch enables the menu system (patches based on the template all check for /root/version so you’ll need to manually enable the submenu, so you may need to do that manually when you load the patch).

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I have just came across this amazing device and are very close to buying it some time soon. The answer to this will not sway my decision in whether I buy this or not but is more to get my head around this whole thing.

Can everything that can be done on the organelle also be done on a laptop? Not taking portability or ease of use into account as this is what I meant by the answer not swaying my decision.

To my understanding the organelle seems great for workflow is dedicated to making music and inspiring you to do so as its sole purpose. Whereas with a laptop you’ve got the possibility of distraction and its use for a variety of things.

Hope my question comes across in that mess.


I mean, the Organelle is just a computer itself that just runs PD really. So I guess yeah. You could do all the same stuff on a computer that you can do on an Organelle. But like you said the work flow and over all play-ability is way better on the Organelle.