How do you save an Orac patch?

I i’ve created some really cool patches using Orac 2. I’ve lost them all because I can’t find a way to save them. I’ve scoured the forums. I’ve watched videos and I still can’t figure it out. Can somebody please help me? thank you!

the info i have is, with your orac patch in place:

navigate to the preset menu and select “New Preset”, now your new preset has been given a number eg. “new-1”. This is your preset and now you can make any changes required. To save further changes, navigate back to the preset main menu and select “Save Preset”, every change will be saved on your current preset (ie “new-1”). Not exactly intuitive but I find it’s gd to do the new preset bit early in the process.

Use the wifi patch manager to rename presets if required (& maybe back them up b4!?)

Let me know if this wks.

Thank you, I will try that and report back, thanks!