Looking for some advice on projector purchase London

Hi all…I bought the EYESY a couple of years ago but was unable to really dive in due to personal problems. I’m based in London…I just bought a mini mixer to output the audio and now I really want to get up and running and get a projector…for the moment I’m looking for something cheap ( under £100)…hopefully once I get into customising etc I’ll save for a better one. I have just spent the last few days scrolling through YouTube videos but can’t seem to find reliable information . As money is really tight…I need something that will get me going,audio is not a problem…I have tons of my own and I play with Improv mates . Sorry but projectors is a new area for me. Thanks in advance…Bill…also what to look out for if buying 2nd hand…


Thanks for getting an EYESY!

There is a lot to consider when looking at projectors. This guide covers a good deal:

If you’re buying a second hand unit, you should check how long the lamp has been used (if applicable). Lamps have an ‘Expected Lamp Life’ typically measured in hours. The projector should have a menu item that lists how many hours it has been used.

Hey Thanks for your help chrisk…