Need help in AP mode

Having trouble connecting to the AP mode.
1, With the EYESY turned off connect the USB-WiFi Adapter to the EYESY’s USB Port .
2. Hold down the Shift key and turn the EYESY on. This initiates the Access Point . You must hold down Shift until your display says ‘EYESY’.*
3. In your computer’s WiFi network settings, choose the EYESY network and enter password: coolmusic .
Connection Failed
is my usb wifi adapter no good?
*4. In your computer’s browser’s address bar, enter eyesy.local or the IP address. The IP address can be found on the OSD . If AP is in use, the IP address will always be*

im guessing its connected? (omg i hate connecting wirelessly)


We test each WiFi adapter that ships with each EYESY so I don’t think its a problem with the adapter. (The fact that you are seeing the network on your computer suggests that it is working too)

I’m not sure why you aren’t able to enter the password from your computer. Are you the original owner of the EYESY? (If not, someone could have changed the password for the AP (Section 4.1 in manual) so coolmusic might not be the correct password for your EYESY)

Can you try to join your phone or another device to the AP?

i was successful on a pc
thanks for your help