Welcome to Ekkko Station. The ultimate Delay Lab

I have been working on a project called Ekkko Station for the last couple of years. It’s near completion now and its made in Pure Data vanilla. It is a predominantly GUIless delay laboratory with some unique features. Now that Organelle M has an update to PD 54-1 I can release it for Organelle M. It is completly driven by MIDI cc controllers which can be got cheap and allows hands on like hardware control. The versions you see on my demos are the pure vanilla verion and PluData version which have a GUI and can be used that way, but underneath is a simple MIDI driven OS and file management system with the idea of using it live. You can catch the demos in this playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq3MZ5erDgCQKnHX9RbtnL7GzgiFm9BvN


Nice buts thats too many or not enough K…

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