5 Moons Layers and Slices Patch

Work in progress but getting there.


Nice work! I love all the manipulation options. How do you connect the guitar? directly in, or use a preamp?

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Thanks! That’s directly in and out to audio interface using an amp sim in the DAW.

Just need to test the rolling back stuff a bit more.

Put up as work in progress. It clicks a bit when wiping pre-recording i.e. when you press record. Not sure how to avoid that at the moment, but thought I’d share as is in case I never work that out :slight_smile: I like creating glitchy pad like stuff with the slices as shown in the end of the video above, which is post-recording anyway.

To use on 5 Moons back up the PD folder when in disk mode then replace with the one in this patch.

Updated to avoid the recording clicks, also can load a sample on boot up now too, as well as different colour for inactive tracks. Quick video to demonstrate.