Feature requests, in no particular order or preference

… just some cool ideas I could see.

  • Some way to indicate which track I’m on.
  • VU meter button (F) becomes a little more tweaky. Click and hold: VU meter. Single click: feature x. Double click: feature y.
  • Fine-grain bounce control. Click bounce twice to do bounce as it currently works. Click bounce once is a multi-select, effectively. All samples are highlighted by default, toggle samples to exclude, click bounce again to bounce down to left-most sample, opening up all others.
  • Duplicate current track. Dupe track and then selective bounce as described above would be killer… allows me to keep drums and bass of current track onto the next track and build new melodic components.
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Youve got some good suggestions here. I absolutely LOVE this thing and there are definitely a few things that would push it over the top to make it my favorite piece of gear. Will add more as I get a list - that said, its incredible - love love it.

Well, I guess this lovely small recorder’s selling point is kinda it’s “restrictions”, but there would be a few things I would love.

  • Overdubs. This would make it possible to create a more elaborate drum rhythm while being able to keep the loop ‘tight’.
  • File handling: numbering is able to ‘skip’ numbers… I just know that at one point i wont have it plugged into the computer for a while, and i’ll have tons of little loops. Problem is when deleting part of the loops from the 5moons, you have to renumber all the following loops… Probably one could write an easy small script for that, but i’m not great at programming sadly.
  • Being able to loop certain tracks and oneshot others. Have a drum loop on loop, play a longer synth loop on top and build a track that way.
  • I don’t know about the much requested quantization. On one had it would be killer, on the other hand it would make it just ‘another less elaborate BOSS RC looper’. Its kind of the charm, but i feel that a few other improvements from the above could make the ‘need’ for quantization lower. For me, main part to get this recorder was its fantastic pocket size, screenless layout and quick bounce function.

Cheers to C&G for the great product!

Another idea since we got the great stereo update…

Being able to pan tracks manually on the 5M as well would be great. Eg: while the VU-button is pressed, you can use the slider to go from L to R panning. Would be great to do some real ‘mixing’ on the 5M.


Sorry for replying to myself, but i’d rather spam a bit here than clatter the forum with more different threads…

I’d love a way to ‘duplicate’ a complete ‘song’. Sometimes i’ve made five tracks in my song, but i’d like to try some different variations. It would be nice to be able to duplicate the ‘original’ to not lose it, and then have a few copies to mess around with.

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Function to block channels. Now everything you’ve recorded on a channel is gone when you accidentally touch one of the recording knobs right under the channel. Happened to me several times.

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i think you can do this by attaching it to a computer and copying that bank’s files into another bank?

Yes, for sure. But the whole reason i use this box is mainly to avoid ‘the screen’. If i need a computer just for duplicating, i might as well record into Ableton :upside_down_face:

ah yeah, I hear that.
for me, it’s good to know it is at least possible in a pinch.
I can connect it briefly to a computer, back everything up, make a couple duplicates, & then experiment.

I love this thing so much. I’ve been using a JD-08 with it to create atmospheric layered sound-beds.

I love its simplicity, so I would hate for it to get bogged down by tons of features.
The few things I could think of could be:

  1. Wait-for-Input record mode (Count-in requires the unit to be tempo-aware, which it doesn’t seem to be)
  2. Reverse a loop
  3. like @esoteric mentioned, using the VU (F) button as a Function/Shift button to access deeper features
  4. Pitch Loops using Faders -12 to +12 semitones

Other than that, a way to use my headphones directly with it, since right now it only comes out the left channel.


@peakssound : If you record stereo in you should get stereo out with the headphones.

If you only record mono in, you can use the older mono firmware and it will double the mono channel to both headphone ears :smile:

sorry for my late reply, just saw your comment about the accidental record-button presses.
I made spacer sleeves carefully cut to length, and placed inside the unit over the threaded stand-offs which the screws attach to through the wood cover.

in the pic above you can see that the spacer is just a little taller than the threaded standoff. note that on the other spacer there are notches cut in the end to ensure that the spacer doesn’t touch or stress the solder contact points for the record buttons right nearby.

this pic shows (as well as I can) the result - the record buttons on the far left side are just barely above flush with the wood case, compared to the other unaltered button heights on the right. sort of a lo-fi fix, but it’s been great for me, making it more of an intentional act to press the button. I don’t think i’ve had an accidental record-over since I did it ::))


+1 for pitched loops!

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yeah …we need a lock function… please

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