Latency on DIY pi Eyesy box

Hi there! I’ve been having a go at building a little DIY Eyesy box thing. The plan is to have it act as a visual and audio synth in one so I have a touch sensitive keyboard, a few controls for loading synth and Eyesy patches and messing with them and a built in screen. I haven’t started on the audio synthesis stuff properly yet but everything else is working EXCEPT there seems to be a lot of latency between audio input and the Eyesy modes reacting. It is definitely working but the latency is enough that it’s not very obvious that the visuals are reacting to audio input. I’ve built it using a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W and I started with a full fat copy of Buster pi OS instead of like Patchbox or the lite version or anything like that and I wonder whether that was a mistake now that I’m getting latency. Has anyone installed Eyesy on a pi and do you have any tips on getting it working nicely?

EYESY is a Compute Module 3+, so you’re under-powering it by about 20% (1.0 GHz) and you’ve got half the RAM (512 MB). Collecting some metrics on performance would be a good idea if you wanted to quantify this.

You could try using Raspbian, which is what EYESY runs. It’s the old name for Raspbery Pi OS, the build used on EYESY is Raspbian Stretch (2019-04-08).

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Yes, good idea! I have a heat sink so I might be able to overclock the processor a bit but I didn’t think about the RAM being a limiting factor. Will see if I can measure whether either might be causing problems! I think part of the impetus for starting the project was thinking “ooh I really want one of those new I 5s! I should finish something with the raspberry pi I already have before buying another!” :laughing: Of course if I had a pi 5 I could rule out RAM and processor speed as a problem…

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The casework is very well done and I’d hate to see you get dragged down by technical issues.

Can you ssh in and run top while it’s in operation to get an idea of the memory and CPU load? You could also see if a swap file is set up and if not, add one, to try to help with the lack of memory. I think your best bet however is to try a more stripped down OS. If you are running a GUI Raspberry Pi OS on there that’s a lot of savings to be had since you don’t need windowing etc.

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