Summer poster here
It’s too hot outside and I have trouble working on my stuff, so my mind started wandering and now I have an organelle/Orac module idea stuck in my head. I have no mean of coding it myself for now, so I am dropping this here, hopefully I will forget about it very soon. If you can code it yourself, you should definitely do, but instead of releasing it you should just upload a video of the patch at work to punish me very hard for making one of these post.
So this is supposed to be a MIDI jam tool for dummies that don’t want to learn anything. It is supposed to be used with a chord sequencer of some sort, in my case the Roland J6. This patch would be a midi keyboard that listens to incoming notes, and forces every pressed key to be one of these notes, but in the whole range of octaves. So when it receives a chord via midi, you can only play notes that are parts of the chords. This is supposed to offer an alternative to the arpeggios+probabilty+offset tricks people like me reliy to make lively chords.
I think somehow it looks like the strum section of an omnichord that could be used in Orac
Technically, I think it should look for incoming notes, then “activate” (not press) the corresponding in every octave? Then it should tell every “unactivated” key to take the value of the closest activated key? Then all keys wait to be pressed?
Not sure what the knobs should do…
knobs 1: Midi in Channel (listen to a chord sequencer)
knobs 2: Midi out Channel (play a synth)
Knob 3: quantisation?
I apologies for this rambling post. At least this non-patch have a cool name. Now I can go back to my work.