pots vs encoders - no argument there, but in fairness I have the same issue with my Virus TI
(which is multi-part/timbral , so when you switch parts the panel does not match synth engine)
that said, encoders designs tend to have to rely very heavily on a display - though thats not really an issue for the Organelle.
multi-page, I agree , its why I like the original C&G patches so much with just 4 parameters.
but as you know, building a synth and just exposing 4 parameters is quite a limitation.
(hmm, gives me an idea for orac ) )
the solution is midi mapping - if you want a complex synth on the Organelle, and you don’t want to menu dive, then support midi learn - midi controllers are cheap, and some pretty small and you could even use an iPad if you wanted… theres absolutely no reason to limit yourself to the Organelle UI.
limited CPU, yeah thats a given - but it’s also at a ‘price point’ for a given functionality.
also much of the limitation is because we are using PD, which gives us versatility, but at a price.
e.g. consider things like volca they likely have much less CPU than an organelle, but its specifically coded in (likely) C++, so get more out of their modest resources.
(not that either are going to compare to your desktop/laptop!)
note: there is nothing stopping you writing the oscillator (or indeed entire voice) in C/C++ and exposing as an external to PD - which is whats happening with brds (MI Braids)
max vs pd, hard to compare really - theoretically, being both digital they can sound the same.
main advantage (for non-programmers) of max is gen~ , gives you performance close to c/c++ using externals - but its a moot point, as Max is not available for ARM
back to OP, I think synths can be written in PD, but don’t expect Serum/Massive
I’d agree theres not that many, but I think thats partly down to a lot of users liking the ‘experimental’ nature of the Organelle - so it’s where efforts have been concentrated.
(looking at posts here on the forum , I find it amazing how many different uses Organelle has, Id say as many are using it as an FX box, sequencer, sample playback - as are using it as a synth… I think, its just the keyboard makes it look like it should have lots of synths )