Organelle UI display limitations

is anyone else using the Organelle UI patch for development ?
Organelle UI for desktop | Patchstorage

i find it incredibly useful as i don’t always have my organelle with me and i can develop/learn way more quickly with it.

i’ve started developing a sequencer, it’s promising, but i want to create a nice graphical ui for it, for instance → adding toggle boxes that indicate which steps are active, something like the piano roll you find on a couple of Organelle patches like Mutations 23 and Jeraphy.

the problem is this patch doesn’t seem to be compatible with anything but basic lines of text.
would it be very difficult to mod it so that it displays anything like the Organelle ?

i’m very newb.

These are good graphical Pd objects to know about:

This video of Miller Puckette (:ninja: :person_with_crown: :superhero:) creating a graphical score (queued up to the relevant spot) might be helpful:


thank you, will definitely check that out ! :slight_smile: