Requesting help with modifying audio to midi patch

Hi, almost complete puredata beginner here. I want to modify MIDI maker so that certain ranges of notes played on a bass guitar will trigger specific midi channels on a sampler, say a low c will trigger a bass drum on channel 1, but a high c would trigger a snare on channel 2 f.ex. Anyone who could help me with how to go about that?

I guess I will have to filter out certain frequency ranges to be sent out to specific channels?

Also, somewhat related: I have a guitar effect pedal that can receive cc messages. I thought it would be fun to set it up so that specific ranges of notes played on the guitar would send cc messages to the pedal and change parameters while playing live. Anyone have any idea for how I could get that working?

Anyway, awesome community!


Use the [moses] object to ‘split’ the stream after the audio to midi analisis (Fiddle or sigmund) and then you can use that notes to do whatever you want. you can trig individual samples with specific notes or select a specific octave (again with moses or Sel ) and send cc values or program change messages to your guitar pedal

Ok, thanks! I’ll try it out when I have an opportunity.