Wifi Adapter newbie crash help needed

I’m a big newbie on organelle M. I already started few simple patches following the tutorials on Youtube using the AP and VNC, and also, Via WIFI connection (to keep internet on my laptop).
I’m using the standard WIFI Dongle delivered with the organelle M freshly bought.
The problem is that Today the AP Mode is not working.

Pressing the Start AP function is following by “connected AP Mode” then by “not connected” on top of the organelle’s screen. At the same time “start AP” is flipping to “stop AP” and directly after “Start AP” again.
The Dongle have been checked on a windows computer and is working.
USB of the organelle is working with keyboard and mouse on a HDMI screen.
I found the WIFI log on the organelle. I Guess it can Help.
It’s written:

Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
sending signal TERM to pid 2945
waiting for pid 2945 to exit
Failed to connect to non-global ctrl_ifname: wlan0 error: No such file or directory
dhcpcd not running
Failed to connect to non-global ctrl_ifname: wlan0 error: No such file or directory
dhcpcd not running
Failed to connect to non-global ctrl_ifname: wlan0 error: No such file or directory
dhcpcd not running

I might have tried many times.
I’m lost here, and before somebody ask, the only thing I did is editing new patches on the organelle.
thanks for your time reading this post and forgive me for my english wich is far from perfect. I almost forgot, I checked the forum for the answer, I hope I didn’t miss it. I hope i’ll not need to reinstall the Organelle’s OS.

Flashing the O.S. now… impossible to save anything done (no usb stick). So starting fresh.

after reflashing the OS everything is fine. I still don’t get it