hi everyone, just looking for some input about a minor problem, perhaps some of you have an idea or some of you experienced it in the past or perhaps the support can tell me how to sort this out. I bought a septavox for £900 few days ago, it was literally new in box, the guy never used it so I splurged without asking much as I was looking for this one for years, it functions perfectly, well…flawlessly, however I did not had an actual power adaptor to test it, I only test it on batteries, but days ago I did test it with the right power adapter, centre positive, 9v, 1A, and by the way, I test it with 4 power adapters, 2 from both of my organelle M I own, its literally the same power adapter same voltage, and another 2 power adapters I bought online, and these were not cheep ones, I spent well to get the right ones (Boss power adapters, centre positive, 9V, 1A), all these when plugged in the septavox, I get a buzz sound, like an interference, think a sawtooth sound from your synth constantly on volume, that kind of sound it outputs on the speaker, septavox speaker or in my monitors if I go output from septavox into the soundcard. When I use the septavox on batteries its complexly quiet, like not even the slightest thing, what you play on the keyboard its what it is on main output. I’m thinking is something wrong with the input from the power adapter section in the septavox, if there’s a solution or if some of you experienced in the past, please share, with this in mind even with this problem I’m fine, I can use it on batteries, but would love to simply ‘fit it and forget about it’ if you know what I mean, and the power adapter can help just that, much thanks, Isaac (glasgow)
Do you have a ‘ground loop’ in your set up?
hello, yes the power socket has one, I guess ill just use it on batteries only as I think it has a problem the power jack from the septavox (not the audio output, the hole where you plug in the power jack)
Oh, I meant a ‘ground loop’ caused by using separate wall outlets like in this diagram:
…this diagram is from:
I’ve tried these but it seems the septavox has a problem at the insert of the power supply it also makes the noise louder when I slightly move the head of the jack in the septavox, I can use it perfectly with the batteries it’s not a problem although I would love to use it simply on the power adapter, i also heard (a rumour) that on power the lower keys are more loud wile on batteries they are more silent, with all this in mind I’m able to create great and original music between 2 organelles a 201, a bolsa, the septavox and a kaleidoloop, now and then I also throw other bits in like vintage emu sound modules but mainly the focus is the critter gear at the core, I enjoy it, a link below how it works, if you guys offer service perhaps is something I can look into at some point if situation changes, thanks Isaac