Used Organelle - Buzzing

I recently got an organelle used and everything was going great except if I bumped the power barrel plug it would occasionally reset.

So I opened up the organelle and everything seems fine.

But now I am getting a strong buzzing sound that goes away if I put a couple fingers on the metal chasis.

If I power the board up with the metal chasis off there is no buzz.

Is there a trick to grounding this thing?

Thank you!

Can you attach a photo of the specs of the power supply you are using?

Thanks. That power supply has the correct specs.

You mentioned that the Organelle would reset if you bumped the power supply’s tip - this could be an indication that the power jack’s solder connection is loose. This could also explain the grounding issue.

It looks like the female barrel plug is solid to the board. Maybe the pin inside of that is loose?

As far as I can tell the only metal touching the case is the shafts of the potentiometers on the knobs via the washer and nut…

The barrel plug is plastic and the hdmi isn’t touching either…

That could be the case. If you have a soldering iron, you could hit up the pads just to make sure.

Maybe the ground pad on the inner surface of the enclosure around one of the holes for a pot shaft needs a light sanding?

It could also be an issue with the power supply’s tip. Do you have another one you can try? The Organelle requires a power supply with the following specs: 9VDC, minimum 1000 milliamps (1.0 Amp), and a 2.1mm barrel tip with center-positive polarity.