Help. Midi USB not working

Hi @filipsijanec

RE: Impulse
There is little information in the Impulse manual about the power consumption via USB so it is hard to know what the Impulse requires. There are two sections in the manual (screenshots below) that both mention issues if using an unpowered hub. It sounds like the impulse may draw close to 500mA which is all that the USB port can provide. If so, this may lead to inadequate amperage if more than one device is connected to an unpowered hub.

Screenshot 1:
Screenshot 2:

Additionally, I am uncertain about how ‘class-compliant’ the Impulse is. Novation provides drivers for it for Mac/Windows here. In the last paragraph of the second screenshot above, the Impulse manual mentions the driver needing time to ‘become active.’ Class-compliant devices don’t need drivers by definition.

There has been some discussion about the MIDI Man / MIDI Sport being fully class compliant here:

The general takeaway is that class-compliancy seems to depend on when it was made…

@thetechnobear thanks for your expert help as always!