How to organize/remove Orac patches?

Hi everyone, new to Orac and trying to make sure I understand it.

Am I correct that when you download Orac 2.0, it comes with a bunch of patches? If so, how would I remove orac patches I don’t need and reorganize them into folders in the way I want? I understand how to organize my main patch folders, but this seems separate from the organization within Orac.

Also, does this mean that when I install a patch that’s compatible with Orac, I’ll have one copy of that patch saved, but it will appear in two places (in the patch sub-folder I put it in and also in some other folder within Orac)?

Apologies if I’m misunderstanding some of this. Just slightly disoriented looking for patches to put in slots in Orac and seeing folders I don’t recognize. Thanks for any help!

Oof, already seeing that I’m misunderstanding things… looks like the orac modules and normal patches are completely separate.

So then I’m wondering…

  • How do I organize orac modules within folders?
  • When I install a patch that comes as a .zop file, does it automatically add both the standalone patch and the orac module?

This is correct.

If you are running Orac off the microSD card, you can use the browser based Patch Manager (shown below). Just make sure you move the entire unzipped folder around and not just the files contained in the folder.

No. the Orac modules made from patches should be considered entirely separate entities from the patches that preceded them. The .zop format is not just for Orac modules:

Thank you, Chris and Mark!

So, if I download a new patch/module that I want to use both as a standalone patch and as a module within Orac, do I download one thing from Patchstorage and then put it in two different places on my SD card? Or will I see different versions on Patchstorage (one for Orac and one general)?

This is correct. Patch Storage has separate categories for Organelle patches and Orac modules:

  1. Organelle | Patchstorage
  2. Orac | Patchstorage

Standalone Organelle patches and Orac modules are not the same, though their names and overall functionality might be very similar. A standalone Organelle patch must be modified to become an Orac module. Not all standalone Organelle patches have become Orac modules. And not all Orac modules have a standalone version for Organelle.

Perfect, thank you so much for explaining all that. I’ll be exploring both and will hopefully have some new ones of each to share soon.