IndexError in S - Mirror Grid

I bought today an used EYESY, did just a quick test on an HDMI monitor. The mode “S - Mirror Grid” throws an error:

 error with draw: Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 195, in 
     mode.draw(screen, etc)
   File "/sdcard/Modes/Python/S - Mirror Grid//", line 80, in draw
     auDio = int((etc.audio_in[m] * 0.00003058) * yr)
 IndexError: list index out of range

I downloaded the original mode from EYESY_Modes_Pygame/S - Mirror Grid at master · critterandguitari/EYESY_Modes_Pygame · GitHub but also that one has the issue. Any idea what is wrong here?

Additional Info: on the FBAS-output the exception does not occur!

I just tried the code from your link to the Github repo and it worked fine for me (EYESY OS 2.3).

I’m not sure what could be causing the issue on your end. With used instruments, its always best to reflash the SD card to the factory state: Flash EYESY OS

What is the resolution of the HDMI output? Eyesy is 720p by default, but if changed to 1080p, this might be a problem in “S - Mirror Grid” not handling resolution correctly.

Ahh! I hadn’t thought that Eyesy’s Linux could dynamically set its HDMI output to what the display allows. Thank you!

Just for testing I added a 720 limit to what looks like the resolution the variables, and now the error is gone.

xr = etc.xres
    if xr > 1280 :
        xr = 1280
yr = etc.yres
    if yr > 720 :
        yr = 720

Unfortunately, I can’t set my screen to a specific resolution.
As I mainly use the EYESY with the FBAS output, I will save myself the trouble for the time being.