Organelle + Macbook pro problem AP connecting

Hi there, I want to link my organelle to my MacbookPro, to sync both with Ableton live.
I did all what it s written to connect for the link in AP.

When I select “Organelle” in my MacbookPro wifi list it asks me wordpass.
I write “coolmusic” who’s written in the wifi.txt file.

It works, i can link my organelle but it works just few second and my computer asks me again the wifi wordpass and cuts the link…

Someone to help me?
thaaaaaaaaanks !!!

Can you try updating the wifi.txt file with name/password of an existing network and join your Organelle and laptop to that network?

Thansk chrisk for your answer!
I updated my wifi.txt with name/password of my network.
The organelle and my laptop are connected to it now but no link with Ableton for now.
When i change tempo on my laptop, nothing is changing on my organelle.
I probably missed something…

A patch must be configured for Link. Which patch were you trying?

I was trying to clock the Arpeggio synth patch.

Did you turn on a Link session in Ableton?

Yes I did.
By clicking on the “link” button.
But nothing changed…