Organelle music
Servando Barreiro shared a post on Instagram: "#s3rquencer #buchla #emsstockholm #improv #synth #puredata #organelle". Follow their account to see 642 posts.


The Organelle, specifically ORAC and Capture, have been a great help in making this. Thanks to the awesome community!

Love my Organelle! Inspiring device.

This track has Stereo Rhythmicon on it. There’s no drums on this song, only the Rhythmicon and acoustic guitar as the percussive elements.

There’s an old Bon Iver performance of “Hinnom, TX” at Air Studios that uses the same(?) patch… primary inspiration :wink:

While the Organelle hasn’t made it onto many of my recordings it’s a regular tool for experimentation, early songwriting ideas, etc. You’ll see/hear snippets of that on my Instagram-


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This was still back in the corona times. Organelle running s3rquencer and Axoloti bass. Visuals in pd-Gem also controlled by the organelle. All improvised. Although I could already save and recall sequences. it has never been my thing…

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I just released a glitchy freak folk song (thinking of terming it “hyperfolk”?) constructed around materials generated with the Morphagene patch! <3

evening body | bly wallentine (


Hey everyone! I put together a little demo/song showing how to utilize the 4track module and what is possible with it. Hope you all enjoy it!


Other than just being a cool video, that is a good looking Organelle-m!

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Inspired again with the organelle-S
Accepting tips about using pd~ for multicore.


Dm me for questions on using pd~

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Some of these tracks use organelle synths. Just, I can’t remember which patches

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dope vibes

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Un pequenio bucle en la Organelle 1, sonidos iniciales del Ventana a lo largo de los anios y una 808. Quien necesita mas?

A little loop on the Organelle 1, opening sounds from the Ventana over the years and an 808. Who needs more?


This one has some organelle synths on it. Although, I can’t remember which ones, or where they are.


Recently put this up, tons of organelle (and old kaleidoloop). Mostly my own unreliable patches, but also the great Cosmos adaptation and some granular freeze.

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I used the organelle for a kind of pitched-delay chorus effect on the guitars on a couple of the tracks here. I forget which patch! But, it sounded good. I want to use it again.