PD patch for midi looping for Organelle?

I started to look into this way back when I got my first organelle but I never got very far. But it still a huge missing piece of my synth arsenal, and I really think it could be a great Organelle patch.

The gist is a midi looper like the Bastl device. Actually there’s nearly exactly what I’d want built into old Roland TD7 drum modules that’s even simpler than what Bastl does.

Press Arm via button or pedal and it’s armed to record midi in. Once you start playing it records everything (there is no clock or tempo necessary at first). As soon as you press the foot pedal again, it starts looping what you just played.

Successive presses of the pedal let you over dub or play on top of the loop. That’s it.

I mean, ideally, the note buttons could be come layers you could turn on and off. And eventually some clock synch or quantizing could be useful. But the simple and basic function my td7 had was so fun and useful.

The trick is it needs to send midi to the midi out, and not just use it internally. Last i inquired, this involved modifying the main mother patch.

Anyone see or attempt something like this?


I’d love to have something like this as well!
I was honestly a little surprised that this not a default feature when I got my Organelle.

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@wolfereeno & @Adrian Any of the C&G patches that have ‘seq3’ sequencer will let you do the following:

  1. Record a sequence of notes from the Organelle keyboard or connected external MIDI device. The length of sequences will be quantized to the nearest quarter note. If you’re sending MIDI clock or have a Link session going, the sequence will use that clock. If no external clock is present, it will default to 120 BPM unless the patch has its own tempo setting.
  2. Loop the recorded sequence and send MIDI notes out to downstream devices.
  3. Overdub existing sequences
  4. Store up to 14 sequences (one sequence per bottom row key on the Organelle).
  5. Let you Undo an Overdub if you make a mistake
  6. Respond to MIDI Transport Control

Sequencer 3 is found in the ‘Aux Menu’ of patches. Here is a photo of the ‘Aux Menu’ from the Analog Style patch:

This menu is accessible by holding the ‘Aux’ button. The left column shows the available commands for the sequencer. The commands from top to bottom are:

  1. Seq:Play/Stop - Plays or Stops selected sequence
  2. Rec:Off/Armd - Controls Sequence Recording:
    When selected, Sequence is first Record Armed (Enabled). LED will be Pink. Sequencer is waiting for knob adjustment, key press or incoming MIDI note.
    When knob adjusted, key pressed or MIDI Note received, Recording starts. LED is Red.
    To end recording, press Aux (new seq begins looping immediately). LED will be Green and flash White on quarter note.
  3. Dub:Off/On – Overdub on top of existing sequence. Counts in 3 Sec before starting recording. To end recording, press Aux and sequence begins looping immediately.
  4. Undo – Reverts Sequence to previous state. If this command says ‘Undid’ you cannot ‘undo’ further.

The Bottom Row of keys selects one of 14 Sequence ‘slots’ to record to. Changing sequence slot will change the number that precedes the command in the left column.


Thanks, I’l explore that.

But one of the big uses for me would be for starting to add a loop to something live, so the tempo is whatever it is.

On the looper I’m picturing, a measure would be the time between the first note, assuming the recording is “armed” and then the next time you click the record/stop button.

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