Remote Patching (using VNC)

I just have an USB stick where I placed the ZOP file.
I really can’t find the menu entry, no clue…

Do you have OS 3.x installed?

Basically it’s put zop file in /Patches and reload , then it will appear… make sure you don’t rename or unzip or anything else.

I checked this before I wrote the request, my fault, sorry. I have an 3.1.
To be sure that the file is in the right directory I tried different ways: Directly put in on the USB stick or transferring it via webserver which works fine as it seems. The file is uncompressd in the right directory. I exchanged the USB stick to be sure that it is reliable. I found that the little white one is getting super hot and today I got the information that this one is not too reliable. Very nice, Critter and Guitari will send me directly a new one with my defective keypad.
What I am doing after restarting, I reload the patches and find nothing about VNC nowhere.

My suggestions, not sure if you agree:

  1. as the user before not even noted that the keypad has an issue (or didn’t realized it becaus he didn’t use it a lot and decided to sell it…) my first idea is to have a reliable USB stick with sort of “factory settings”. I am simply not sure if it would be possible to mess up such a stick.
  2. we could do a CRC redundancy check if we are speaking about the right file. I downloaded the very last linked version working for Organelle 1 and M.
    What do you think? Thanks a lot.

you should not be uncompressing it… just use the ‘install StartVNC’ option , which should be available

  1. the stick might be bad, in which case you can transfer directly to the sdcard … and not use the sdcard at all

honestly apart from that I really don’t understand whats going on…

the ‘install startVNC’ option, simply needs to see the zop file in the Patches directory , so as long as you don’t unzip it or change its name then it would be there- it wouldn’t even matter if its corrupted, it would still show (it would later fail when you selected install)

  1. not sure what you mean

  2. the zip file already has a CRC, and also within the package it has a manifest with MD5sum… ive don’t this kind of thing before :wink:

only odd thing I can see is that windows is for some reason renaming it to , no idea why as its not doing this on the mac, and was uploaded as StartVNC.zop … perhaps a bug in patchstorage?
but this should not matter…

but you can try changing extension to .zop

Damn, of course I meant the file is COMPRESSED, sorry about this relevant typo. I just copy it compressed as a .zop file, don’t touch it.
My strange idea was that perhaps some system setting could have been on the stick but it is pure data (haha, literally) as far as I understand.
So my OS should be probably fine or could there be some strange issue? I mean it is a Linux… Okay, I have another idea.
I will try out another patch and let you know more… sorry about this problems, hope to fix it. PS I have Windows 10 and the file is renamed to capital “S”.

It is .zop not .zip.

Okay, I tried my plan. Works. I deleted all patches and just installed the master patches from C&G. I installed the zop and it directly shows the installation entry. Now I am going to install.

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Just wanted to chime in how delightful this vnc is for my workflow!
Made my day so much easier today!
Thank you so much!


Works. Great work, absolutely what I wanted. Thanks. :smiley:

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Not able to get this to work on my organelle m, os 3.2.

zop installed fine. i connect organelle to my wifi then go to extras and click startVNC and it says ‘starting VNC’ then goes back to menu. but I’m not able to connect to it using mac. tried with organellm.local:5901 and also using the IP address… nothing. Can anyone help me? are there any indications on the organelle that the VNC server is running? thanks

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Which VNC client are you using on your Mac?

built in client

have any ideas?

I think this is probably a typo here, but this:

…should be: organellem.local:5901 (forgot an ‘e’)

If you start the Webserver after joining your network, are you able to view the patches, info, etc on your computer’s browser? Critter & Guitari Manual . This will help confirm that your computer and Organelle M can communicate already and there’s just something with VNC that we need work on.

yeah web server works fine. i checked my vnc history and no typo there.

does your VNC client show any error messages? You’re using: music for name and password?

warning that computer im trying to connect to isn’t set up for vnc control. i never get to the point where i can input name and pass

I’m getting the same error with mac’s Screen Sharing app. It does work with RealVNC:

oooooooooh yes! i am in business! thank you


Thanks for the update! Not sure why Screen Sharing doesn’t work but RealVNC is great!