Howdy! I’ve been trying all morning to connect to the web interface – to this point, I’ve been using a USB drive for non-stock patches and haven’t gotten around to messing with the samples in the stock patches.
I’m able to start up the Organelle AP and connect to existing WiFi networks, but I seem to be unable to access the web interface. “organellem.local” and the IP address shown in Settings/Info both lead me to error/cannot connect pages.
I’ve seen other reports of this in my research, but I haven’t found any solutions. Do any of you have ideas?
Actually, the IP address method seems to be working for me. I had forgotten that was an option. Organelle.local doesn’t work for me, but I guess that’s ok!
Also, please ensure you have http and not https in the browser URL; I noticed the browser overriding the URL scheme if for whatever reason it couldn’t connect during the first try.