Hi Mark! Back in 2019 you replied to my question about this on the PiSound forum.
I now own an Organelle and am wondering how to slow the menu timeout here.
Can I add “menu timeout” to the orac.json?
Hi Mark! Back in 2019 you replied to my question about this on the PiSound forum.
I now own an Organelle and am wondering how to slow the menu timeout here.
Can I add “menu timeout” to the orac.json?
Can someone please help me, I can’t get the Pure Data remote controller to work.
It just looks like this.
I have an issue, and i’m curious if its expected behavior.
Basically any time i load a patch into a chain (a1, a2, a3, etc) the adjustment knobs dont register any input for a while. After some turning they will begin to register inputs sort of randomly. It may start with knob1 then knob3 then knob 2.
Is this standard due to patches needing some time to settle in and load?
Or am i experiencing bugs? Im on OS 4.1 (which has PD 0.49 built-in) on organelle M
I reinstalled ORAC once which improved performance slightly.
Edit: leaving this here in case anyone else has this issue. Figured it out. You need to rotate the knob to the value on the screen for it to take effect. So if Note Velocity is 100% when it loads, for example, rotate the knob to where 100% would be. It will “catch” and allow you to adjust the value.
I just downloaded the Orac patch onto my organelle. I only get M0-M8 instead of the A,B,C routing. I cannot find the other routing settings, someone please help. Thanks
@CryptKeeper You need to download other routing modules. Here is one that I worked on that will give you A, B, and C routing with meters and mutes. Parallel3+ | Patchstorage Install it to sdcard/media/orac/usermodules/router or replace the sdcard with usbdrive if neccesary. After that’s installed, place the module in the S1 (low C#) slot and whenever you’re in there you’ll see the respective chains meters
Hi Everyone - I have a new Organelle M and just downloaded Orac 2.0. I’m very excited to dig in to this, but was wondering how I could have Orac default to the init preset when I load it, rather than demo 1? Any help you could provide would be appreciated - thanks in advance!!
Click on init then on the main orac menu hit save. Not in the preset menu. The main menu that comes up when you hit the encoder.
Thank you very much!!
hey all, has anyone tried sequencing a few patches at the same time with an OXI One?
I will, once the OXI gets back in stock!
I’ve purchased the OXI ONE, unfortunately had to be returned and refunded due to faulty LEDs.
Not a great buying experience…
But for the little time I’ve used it I would say it wasn’t for me, I prefer patching my sequencers directly inside the organelle, requires more effort but the sky is the limit in terms of what you can do…
Hey everyone! I’ve recently finished some written documentation for Orac! Please give it a read and let me know what you think. I will probably update this more often but I wrote as comprehensively as I could manage. I hope you all find it useful!
OracDocumentation.pdf (362.8 KB)
Hey folks, I have a show coming up in 2 weeks where I am using ORAC and apperently I have something weierd going on in ORAC with sending midi. When it runs standalone everything is fine, but if I send midi via the Octatrack, Audio gets squished to the right channel for one or two seconds once in every pattern. any idea?
@Radagast What does modules are you using? Specifically your router
Hey, thanks for the quick answer! I am using the parallel modul as the router. And than mainly rings, macrosynth, the stereo delay, clouds (and a few more)
Does it happen with all chains and are you using anything in the post module?
It happens with all channels, all audio gets shifted. I have the reverberation on the post module. I can send you a video if that helps?
That would help. Also try having nothing in the post module effect and see if that changes anything. I don’t know if this is the case with reverberation but I know the standard reverb only takes input from the left channel so that may be what is causing it
Alright, can I sent you the video per wetransfer? O what suit you the best?
If you have something like Google Drive or Onedrive, that would be easiest for me to view