Orac 2.0

I took the reverb out, but it still happens. I upload it via google drive in a second

When I sequenz it via other gear it doesnt happen. only with the inbuilt sequenzers

I figured it out, I am sorry I was just messeng something up on the Octatrack. Really sorry about that


No problem! Glad you got it figured out!

Well, now that’s a phrase I use every day!


This is very usefull ! :slight_smile: thx !

Orac still can’t receive transport from external gear, right?

It can indeed yes. You’ll need the transport user module tho since the default clock doesnt accept start and stop messages

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I’ve been using electrafa’s Transport. As soon as I connect Digitakt (or Digitone), the Transport module in Orac starts playing and won’t stop. I essentially lose all control over it until I pull the midi cable out. Any idea?

Hi everyone! I’m noticing something with sampler modules in general in orac. It seems that if you have samples that are trimmed precisely, the initial transient is cut off, almost as if there is a ramping into the amplitude of the sample at the time of the trigger/key-press.

It doesn’t happen with the same samples loaded into the C&G patch “Sampler Style Delay” or “Beats and Pieces”, so I’m wondering if it might be orac specific.

@thetechnobear any ideas? I’m wondering if it’s something built into orac, or just something people put into sampler modules as a default to avoid clicking, and could be bypassed with a simple mod to whatever module I’m wanting to use.

@electrafa @T8R and @Audivit just bc I see you’ve been working on orac related stuff recently.

Thanks for any help here!

That is dependent on the module and if the creator programmed it in. Which modules specifically are you experiencing it with? Oracloops has an attack envelope but you should be able to have it turned off. I haven’t opened it in a while so I don’t know for sure if the minimum value still ramps a bit. Loopy also has a small ramp to prevent clicks on the loop start and end but it should be pretty subtle

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I’ve also noticed this, particularly with the module “percussion” it was very apparent with drum samples and sharp transients.
I’ve managed to somewhat tame the issue in the version of “percussion” included in Orhack, but still it’s not perfect.

I don’t have much experience with sample based modules yet, and lately have been working only on audio effects and some sequencers, but If I’ll ever build something like a sample based drum machine the first thing I’ll be focusing on would be making sure that the attack portion of samples retains all the energy and impact.

Will look into those G&G patches you’ve mentioned and compare them to some Orac sampler modules to see if there is anything specific which is causing this anomaly.

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I’ve also been meaning to release a Percussions module as well that’s multicore but needs some fine tuning. I haven’t touched the Organelle in a bit as I’ve been messing with Max a little bit more but I’ll sit down and finish it for a release


I’ve experienced it with percussions, sampletwig/polytwig, samplement, sampler 24 - I think every orac module I’ve tried has the same behavior in this way. I tried to take a look myself at the modules and tried modifying some things to see if I could hunt down the problem, but I’m pretty unexperienced with sample based patches/modules.

So I solved this by creating a module out of the C&G sampler style delay patch, which didn’t exhibit the undesired behavior. I may have done this in a somewhat convoluted way patching-wise, but couldn’t figure out a simpler way to get it working - glad to take suggestions if anyone has any - I’ve posted it in the modules for the orac thread, and also on patchstorage :slight_smile:


Hey everyone! I’m excited to announce the arrival of three new modules!

Percussions+ is an update to the original Percussions module that now utilizes multiple cores to save on CPU. Granted it now has lost the cool oscilloscope. It also has a master volume control and now normalizes the samples in a kit to ensure you don’t have to meticulously gain match every sample in every kit. There is also a light compressor that was grafted from Bus Comp by @Audivit but it can be easily removed by going into pd~-percussions.pd and deleting the comp abstraction and connecting up the catches to the dac.

Also in regards to the cutting off of the beginning of samples as described by @TheDeadFarmer, there is a crown window that is applied to the samples by default which fades in and fades out the sample. This can be changed by altering the window.txt file and changing all the beginning values from 0 and eventually to 1 to just all 1’s. If you want to calculate your own windowing function, the values can be placed in the text file to allow a faster or more gradual window.

The next module is Octaloops! Octaloops is the next generation of OracLoops and as the name suggests, allows up to 8 samples! Octaloops acts very similar except for now the bottom line can show the state of all 8 samples and the lower octave C, C#, D, and D# controls starting and the upper octave controls stopping for samples 1-4. The same applies to F, F#, G, and G# which control loops 5-8. E is still the global start and stop depending the octave it is played in.

I very much wanted to avoid the constant scrolling through what would be 21 pages if I implemented this with the default way Orac handles parameters and pages so I opted for a different solution. Changing which bank the parameters effect is handled by the A# in either octave and will update on the screen. To view which samples are active in what bank, you can use the low B to view the active samples 1-4 and the high B to view 5-8.

Because of the unconventional way I handled the parameters in this patch there are some slight weird graphical things that happen such a slight flicker on the screen when changing pages. Also when scrolling through pages, all the pages in between will briefly appear. Parameters should still update and still catch as normal but let me know if you experience any issues with it.

The saving functionality is also still intact but I also had to implement a work around of saving all the parameters to text files. This possibly opens up being able to have different kits that you could scroll through by swapping in and out different text files! This is not implemented in the current version and I still need to work out how to exactly do it but that may appear in a future update!

Again I had to implement some unorthodox ways of patching to get this patch to work so there may be some bugs so please let me know if you experience anything weird but from my testing, I did not find anything substantial or worth noting besides the loop indicator not turning off automatically if speed or transposition have been used.

This last one is a module that I really enjoyed creating. I have been away from the Organelle from a bit due to getting sucked into the power and computational power provided to me by Max and more recently gen~ and low level DSP. As an exercise to combine these and get back to my roots I developed an implementation of the reverb circuit detailed in Jon Dattorro’s paper Effect Design: Reverberators and Other Filters in gen~ and wrapped it into a Pure Data external for the Organelle by using gen_ext by @samesimilar.

This has proven to be a very powerful way of working as I have noticed it is a pretty CPU efficient way of working as I can have a couple of these going and along with my usual synthesizers. Additionally, it still runs on the main PD thread and not on a separate core! I also quite like the sound of it but I may be biased :slight_smile: I hope to implement some more gen~ code as modules using this method.

Enjoy and please provide feedback if you run into any issues!


Great job @T8R :clap:

Datverb is what I was missing! A simple and CPU friendly plate style reverb!
I also quite like the sound of it :slight_smile:

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hey, I have the same problem, did you find a solution? I have the organelle m and it should be possible to run something in all 4 chains but it starts to get these audio cracks when I load multiple synth for example…

Hi! What you are experiencing is CPU overload. The Organelle and Pure Data are single threaded applications by default meaning that they run on one core of the processor. The original Organelle only has one core but because you have an M, you’re in luck as it has 4! You can take advantage of the multicore modules and you should be able to avoid this. They are detonated with either a -pd on the end or a +. You can also check CPU usage for all the cores by running the command htop in the terminal from the VNC server or by SSHing into your Organelle. A lot of the multicore patches are synthesizers and samplers. I personally try to run all of my synthesizers as multicore whenever possible and only use the single threaded normal modules for effects like chorus, delay, etc, or patches that need to be real time like my module Loopy to avoid latency.

It’s a cpu overload.
If you chuck tons of cpu heavy synths plus effects or sequencers in a chain you will get audio crackle.
Just try taking something out and see if you still get crackle :slight_smile: