Organelle patches programming manual

Hello everyone!

With permission from Criiter&Guitari (thank you so much for your support!), I’d love to announce that I wrote a beginner’s manual on how to create patches in PureData within the Organelle.
It starts from the very basic of PureData, it explains the foundations of the Organelle objects for controls, MIDI I\O and Audio I\O, how to setup a new empty patch and then introduces the Pd language basics. Then it guides the user into the creation of two projects (a MIDI step sequencer and a Delay effect). The book is full of exercises and it’s not too into theoretical stuff. At the moment it is available in Italian language, but a translation in English (a professional one) asap.
You can find it on Amazon hard copy and Kindle (eBook) version, but it will soon be available in at least one more store as eBook.

I attach the links, hoping it’s not against the forum rules. If inappropriate please let me know, I’ll remove them. :slight_smile:

Hard copy:
Kindle eBook:

I will also add the patches on the companion website ( in a few days.

I hope this would be helpful to those who wants to get started patching on the Organelle, but never had the courage before! :smiley:

If you have questions don’t esitate to ask! :slight_smile:

Stay safe everyone, and may the Music be with you!


awesome. i would definitely grab an english copy!


Thanks a lot! I’m working on it, but it will take some time. I’ll keep you posted here for any news! :smiley:


Just a little update. I’ve uploaded to the companion website the two main patches for the projects on the book (Chapter 4 and 5) and a little utility to monitor MIDI messages incoming into the Organelle. They’re free for everyone though, so you can just go there and grab them! :smiley:

Plus, there is the chapter list in detail (still in Italian).
Here’s the link:

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Great !!! Very cool

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Thanks a lot Tony! :smiley:

A book I would like to have, in hard copy, in English, shipped to Mexico. Hopefully one day. Molto benne!

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Congratulations man - what a contribution! I’d love an English copy when it’s ready.

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I’m already working on the translation! You’ll have what you ask for, hopefully very soon! :smiley:

Thank you so much! The translation is on its way, stay tuned! :smiley:
I’ll keep you posted on it…

This is fantastic. I would love an English version.

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Working on it! :smiley:

This is very exciting! What a contribution, thank you! Following this page for updates on the english version.

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+1 for the English version


Thank you so much for all the interest in my little project! :smiley:
I really feel greatly motivated by it, and I’m working on the translation as much as I can. I’ll have it checked and corrected by a native English person before publishing… I’ll do my best to get you the best quality possible! :slight_smile:

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Any news on the English translation?

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Workin’ on i! It’s a big work, since atm I have several other works to do (a short movie soundtrack, a newly commissioned piece for Organ and electronic and other things) but I’ll keep you posted on the progress! Thanks a lot for your interest! :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your work on this.

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Hello everyone!
Just wanted to update the thread to let you know that the translation work is going on on a daily basis.
I’m quite finished with Chapter 2 and I’ll be starting Chapter 3 in a couple of days.
Hopefully I’ll be finished with the translation by the end of August. Then I’ll have it checked by an English native person and after that I’ll proceed with the publishing process.

I’ll keep you posted in the net days and weeks!

Thank you for the interest in this project, I’m really looking forward for it to be in your hands asap!

Best! <3


stoked thank you so much!!

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